
Saturday, April 10, 2010


Yes, that is me screaming, pulling my hair out, going cross eyed, throwing fists and shaking my computer!

NOT a pretty picture!

Many of you noticed that my blog page went 'private' for a few days.  That was intentional on my part to save you from the MESS I got myself into while trying to give my blog a makeover!!

Lesson learned:  Leave it to the PROFESSIONALS!

I'm going 'public' with my blog again at this point, having sorta fixed it for now.  This is NOT the final result.  I'll be tinkering with it here and there and hopefully I won't have to yank it from the web again!

Thanks for your concerns and patience!  I should just stick to fabric manipulation!!!


  1. I have learned to keep my blog plain (even though that may be boring) because then I know I can handle it myself. LOL

  2. Well, I like your new look so far! This may sound silly, but it looks like there's been a series of unfortunate events out here in cyberland and I was worried you'd been a casualty. I'm glad it was just blog-wrestling! *Hugs*! :)

  3. i wondered what had happened :(
    Glad you are back

  4. I am so glad you did it and blogger did not turn you off!! So far I like what you are doing. When I chnage things I go to the HTML practice board first, just in case!

    And Urban, is such a sweetie pie, just love that kid!!!

  5. Hey I can relate to that Mel. Hugs!!
    Last time I did a major makeover I lost everything!!!!! Yep, but it's all good and we 'feex eet'. ;)

    Your blog opened and my thoughts were.. "oh how fresh and modern looking". You go girl!!

  6. OK- we won't take it personally. I wondered if you had experienced a life changing event and went private. (Sometimes those things happen!). Anyway, I won't worry about you now, and THOSE COMPUTERS HAVE A MIND OF THEIR OWN!!

  7. I found a great website that has beautiful designs and lets you keep all of your widgets installed! Without the expense of a professional...

    give that a try :)

    Lots of great tutorials out there too!

  8. Glad you're back...actually I thought that I did something when I couldn't get on your blog. I am NOT computer savy! Your blog looks great!

  9. I have left my blog alone, lest I should lose everything on there :-S Glad you are back.

  10. Love the new look Mel! Looking forward to seeing what else you do with it!

  11. Welcome Back! I was wondering what had happened! I tried to start a second blog and couldn't do that!

  12. It's good to have you back - I was wondering what happened! Love the new look, but have to admit I'll miss your old header. It was a near perfect picture of you! It made me grin every time I saw it. I understand what you're going through though. When we tried to update our blog we had a small catastrophe too. Glad you got yours fixed!!


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