
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

OK, I'm getting it . .


The previous post was very helpful to me - thank you!

I've since been able to adjust my blog to 3 columns, change the appearance to my sewing lady and add new sign-age, make a NEW button with html code so YOU can add my button to your blog - go on, have me over for a visit!

I'm feeling a lot better about the look of my blog.  

A few more things I'd like to fix:

  1. Spacing between sidebar content
  2. Remove extra space above header
  3. Remove info before postings
  4. Add a 'spacer' image on sidebar content
  5. Change up my signature
  6. Add a bit of color/texture on the side of my blog
That's all I can think of for now, but there is LIGHT!!!


  1. Oh it looks heaps better! keep up the good work!

  2. I think it looks super. Love your header. You are a very brave soul, I admire you.

  3. I'm so proud of you doing your own html work! It takes time, but don't you love feeling the power of achievement when it is finally the way you want it to look!! Great work so far!

  4. Two thumbs up. It looks fantastic!
    I'd like to get that 3 column set up myself but haven't the foggiest as to how to do it and I'm worried about loosing what I do have.


  5. and I asked you if you needed help, YIKES, I would never be able to do what you are doing, looks great!! I would love 3 columns like allsewnup, but I am scared to touch anything, love the header text!!I will switch your new button for your old.

  6. It is looking great. Don't worry about the growing pains. You are doing a fantastic job.

  7. I love you new look! Great job!

  8. Wow Mel I think I missed most of the crazy :) but it's looking great so far and I love the to do list it makes me smile! It's the way I work to. Blog's are fun but when you don't have full working knowledge of the inner computer workings it can take a long time to figure it out! Been there and still not done. I don't think I'll ever be done though but I like your ideas! I liked the old blog and the new look is so pretty! Great job!


Thanks so much for visiting and for leaving a comment! Come by anytime!!