
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Lissa!!

I love you Liss!!  
Congratulations on your new gift - I hope it gives you hours of entertainment and company!  Skype me!!

For everyone else, today is Lissa's birthday!!  Unfortunately she is celebrating it in the hospital, BUT fortunately she IS able to celebrate it!!  It's been a hard 7 months!!  One of her presents is a lap top so she can finally be in contact with the rest of the world!!

I'll post more on that and give you all an update in the next couple of days.


  1. Best wishes to Lissa and how wonderful to be able to use the laptop and get in touch with dearly loved family after she/they have been through so much


  2. I have been wondering about her a lot lately. Happy Birthday to her and let's hope the next 7 months are a lot less difficult than the past 7 have been.

  3. I have been wondering how she has been doing. So glad to read that she is able to celebrate because I know there were moments when no one thought she would.

    Happy birthday to Lissa.

  4. I have thought about her often and prayed each time! Please greet her for her Birthday!

  5. Happy, Happy Birthday Lissa! Oh she is getting better! getting to use a computer is really great. Please keep us posted and send her our love and the prayers have not stopped.


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