
Sunday, June 6, 2010

I {Heart} Denver!

1. Ice
2. Water
3. Breeze
* * * 

I have loved living in Denver ever since our move here in November.  This summer will be especially fun attending all the fun, FREE events that are in the area!

This past Friday, we went to First Friday Art Walk on Sante Fe, a street of galleries here in Denver.  There was amazing art, live music, performances and lots of wonderful contagious creative energy.

I you are ever in the area around the 1st of the month, check out the First Friday Walk on Santa Fe!  This event runs all year long, even in the winter!


  1. Each town that we have moved too has been fun that way. We love exploring and finding new things to see and do.

  2. How fun!!!! It looks like there is a lot to do there.

  3. I'm so glad your move has turned out well. It is wonderful you've been happy with your change.

  4. I was in th eDenver airport last week, but I don't think that counts. Glad you're so happy with your move.


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