
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Shop Hop Fun

1. Playing with all the Shop Hoppers
2. Meeting Bonnie - a blog friend
3. Visiting with family
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The 2010 Wasatch Front Shop Hop's theme was Celebrate.  Sew Sweet had the holiday May Day.  Kind of an odd one, but we doused the shop with flower quilts and it looked quite charming!

There were soooo many positive comments on Marta's compilation of this year's Shop Hop blocks.  I love the rich colors she used.

Marta also put together a bright version.  Very fun, I think!

Shoppers would try frolicking around the May Pole for prizes - it was soooo funny to see!  It's harder than it looks!

It was a fun week, getting ready and hanging out at the shop!  I even got to meet a blog friend, Bonnie! I was too excited to remember that I should have taken a pic!!


  1. Hello Mel, sticking my head in to say 'helllooooooo' :-)

    Isn't it the best to meet blogging friends? wooohooo!

    The shop hop looks like fun!!

  2. Love the flower quilts and what fun to have that May pole game. How nice to meet a blogging friend, too!!!

  3. What a great time. It is such fun to meet fellow bloggers.

  4. I love Marta's May Day quilt!! And the flowers are so great- can I get a pattern?? :-)

  5. Dear Mel, you are so kind. Thanks for the shout out! My son enters the MTC Wednesday, then maybe my life will quiet down so I can post on my blog again.

  6. You got to meet a blogger, how fun. I would have loved to play a game with the May Pole. Such beautiful quilts, I bet you had a wonderful time! Check our Christmas group when you get a chance!

  7. Can't stop me!! Happy Birthday buddy, You are one special guy with one special Mom (and Dad)!!

  8. hi mel
    the pics you posted are just beautiful, the quilts, and also the smiley faces
    and say happy birthday to urban; sounds fun being his mum :)


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