
Thursday, April 23, 2009


I've been quite sidetracked from blogging lately. 
My parents who are serving an LDS mission in Argentina had their apartment robbed just over a week ago.  Everything was gone, their two Apple Laptops, jewelry - two pieces were quite sentimental, even my mother's curling irons and Dad's razor and shaving cream.
Everything is fine, they were not there at the time - thank goodness!  It was at least 30 or so hours from when I got an email notice regarding the robbery to when I was able to communicate with my parents.  Needless to say, I was sick to my stomach for a few days.  I'm glad I'm already on ant-anxiety meds and have sleeping pills or I may have come totally undone!!
Yesterday I had Carpel Tunnel Correction Surgery on my right wrist, yes, I am right handed.
My sweet little Urban who will be 4 in a couple of months has been so attentive.  He'll come in from playing outdoors every 1/2 hour or so to pat my head and see if I'm feeling better.  He offers me my pain meds every time too, to which I have to remind him that I have to wait a few hours in between. We are also in the works of boxing items for a huge garage sale before we move and take to the road.  So, postings may  continue to be sporadic here, but I am reading all of your blogs daily! Since I'm limited to typing with my unfamiliar left hand, I may not be leaving too many comments, but I do love checking in on all you creative friends!


  1. Mel, I'm so sorry to hear of all this. My thoughts are with you and your family! It's so sweet that Urban is taking good care of his mommy! Feel better soon.

  2. I am very sorry to hear of the trouble your parents have had. I didn't know you were preparing to move....good luck with everything and I hope your wrist heals quickly.

  3. I am So sorry to hear of yours and your parents troubles Mel. I hope you will be doing better very soon as well! Heal fast!

  4. I'm so sorry to hear this! I know I would have been in agony. I hope everything gets better soon for all of you!

  5. Mel, so sorry for your folks, but am so glad they're ok.
    Gosh you take care girl.
    You'll be in my thoughts and prayers and you'll be missed!
    Robyn xx

  6. Wow, so much to deal with all at once. Sorry about what you and your parents have had to go through but glad everyone is safe. I hope your wrist heals quickly. What a blessing to have Urban taking such good care of you. Things like that help a lot don't they.

  7. Mel, I'm so sorry to hear of all this...Little Urban is a good boy to care for his Mum...he is very special..
    take care Julia ♥

  8. That's too bad to hear about what your parents had to deal with! They must be full of faith! I enjoy reading your blog. If you time, check mine out. I just started but am hoping to get better as I go along! Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. I'm sorry to hear your parents are having speed bumps on their mission! And hope you feel better soon!!

  10. Oh Mel, how un-fair, as your family does so much for others to have this happen. So happy they are safe, it is just items. As for your wrist, nothing will work better than love from a little one. You take care and we will be here when you are ready. Would you like to drop out of the rainbow swap, I do not want you to feel any pressure. Whatever you decide is fine. One of your dear friends or I will step in for you, just let me know. xoox

  11. Not fair, Mel! So sorry to hear about your upsets - wish I could help!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  12. Hi Mel,
    Still catching up on email since our trip, sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you. Sorry to hear about your parent's home and while they are doing such wonderful things for others. Like you had said, thankfully they weren't home. Hope you're feeling better after your surgery...don't do too much, so you'll have plenty of healing time.
    Take care of yourself,

  13. I'm so sorry to hear about everything! How sad to have everything stolen! Get better soon!

  14. Glad that your parents are safe and that they weren't there when the robbery occured! What a blessing. How scary!

    I hope you feel better soon and heal quickly.

  15. So sorry to hear about the robbery at your parents. Glad they are okay. Praying for a speedy recovery for you. Take care of yourself.

  16. Take it easy Mel...get well...wishing your folks the best..

    Good job Urban!!

  17. Your sure have a lot happening at the moment, make sure you take care of yourself.
    Sorry to here about your parents troubles, I am glad they are ok.


  18. Everything seems to happen at once. Hope your parents are ok, and that your wrist heals without any complications. And the packing goes well. You really need a good cup of tea - I mean Diet Coke (as I recall). You'll be ok. I'm thinking of you! Urban is a sweet boy.

  19. I'm so glad your parents are safe...things can be replaced not people. I will be praying your hand heals quickly.

  20. Keeping you and yours in my prayers.

  21. I'm sorry to hear about the robbery. Glad your parents are OK. And am am touched by your son taking such sweet care of you. Hope your wrist is doing better!

  22. I had no idea about the surgery too! Wow, you and your family have been through a lot lately! Stay strong!

  23. Oh my gosh how awful. Mel, this is terrible. It is good they are replaceable but so annoying and needless. Get better. carpal tunnel! yipes. I have it too. But don't need surgery. Yet. I know how you must feel. Get better quickly.


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