
Monday, May 18, 2009

And on we go!!

We've been on the road for a couple of days, but without Internet access!  
So, let's go back a couple of days!

On the iPod: ABBA is still on the iPod, it's great sing along road trip music!!

Snack: Groovy Granola from Great Harvest Bread Co.

Potty Stop: Scipio, Utah - antique shop

Road Game: Wet Willies!  Ewww!!  You know this childhood game, right?  You get your finger slobbery wet with your own saliva and stick it someone else's ear.  Boys are gross!

Scipio was a fun break stop.  There was an antique shop with some fun stuff to look at.  As soon as we pulled up I saw yellow paint on the side of the building that said "Sold from Alaska to Australia".  Hey! I 'know' people from both places now that I blog!

To be honest, I get the geebeez in antique stores for a few reasons.

1. They are crowded with stuff and I get claustrophobic and I can't breathe . . a . . h. . h. . h . . . 

2. The owners usually hover or ask "What do YOU collect?"

3. I DON'T collect anything.  I tried, but I don't understand collecting a bunch of stuff that I can't, won't or shouldn't use on a daily basis . . . OK, OK, unless it's fabric but ... but ...!!

4. I can sense that they belonged to 'others'.  Not in a sixth sense sort of way, I'm just not comfortable owning things that had another life with someone else.  OK, it's weird!   

I'm getting better; I can talk myself into re-purposing some things, which I guess makes it 'mine'.  I still can't handle furniture and handbags yet.  

Rare, Rare, Hard to find Pinup Bathing Beauty Lamp $475.  The more I think of it, the more I want it!!  If I had $475 to spend on an unnecessary lamp I would totally call and have them wrap her up and get her on my way home.  

I saw the vintage vinyl kitchen chair and thought "Nanette!" I'm not positive she would like it, but I know she likes vintage kitchen items and this is a darling vintage kitchen item!  Did you notice the vinyl ruffle trim?  There is a set of two at $25 each.

We arrived at Goblin Valley State Park where the campsites were full, but we found a near perfect place to set up.  The only thing lacking was toilets and showers but we can drive into the park for that tomorrow.

That's a day's worth!  More tomorrow!

Oh, it's your turn to pay for gas this round!  ;)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love the chairs. I think they would be great out on my patio to be. What are the pictures of on the chairs. Seems like there should be something we could do with those colored cups. You got some great pictures of Scipio. I don't know if I have seen that old barn before. I love how you have scrapbooked them.

  3. Sounds like you're having fun! I think I could keep listening to ABBA too!

  4. ohhhh I would so love to own one intage quilt top that I could quilt, like a wedding ring or dresden plate in 1930's fabrics.

    enjoy your travel



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