
Saturday, May 16, 2009

We're going on Vacation!

Yesterday, Nathan and Urban decided to go camping. Four hours later we were in our 1984 red VW Pop Top Camper van and headed south.

Where are we going? Dunno.

When will we be back? Dunno.

Don’t worry though, you are coming with us! I hope to take pictures along the way; it will be fun for me to show off the beautiful state of Utah.

So, go potty, grab your pillow and some hand work! We’re going on a road trip!

By the way ABBA is on the iPod right now.

This is what I'm working on while Nathan is driving, putting a label on Grandma's gift.

* * * * * * * * *

Camping Trip Day 2 (May 16th, 2009)

Slept in Grandma’s driveway, 60 some odd miles south of home.

Well, we didn’t get far, but we didn’t set out until near 5:00pm. Then we forgot jackets, then we had to find the cables for the camera, then we had to go to the store, then we decided to get the oil changed but they were closed, then . . .

We were able to wish Grandma a happy 80th birthday and give her a quilted gift with hugs and kisses!

Grandma received a new kitchen faucet for her birthday from her children. Nathan and Urban installed it for her and she rewarded us with some yummy breakfast! We’ll have to remember this great camping stop for next time!

Later this afternoon, there is a surprise party for Grandma with all her family and friends. We won’t be there, but I think we wished her a “Happy Birthday” in a more personal way.

Funny kid rhymes from Grandma Williams: Picture little dirty freckled faces with their thumbs in their ears and fingers wiggling.

Gopsey, Gopsey, sittin’ on the fence. Tryin’ to make a dollar outta’ fifteen cents! (I have no idea, and neither did Grandma, what Gopsy means! )

Another taunt:

Bawl baby titty mouse, laid an egg at Grandma’s house! It was rotten, so was he, bawl baby titty mouse! (A tit mouse is a type of bird)

The Bawl Baby tease still gets under the skin of Nathan and his brothers; it’s fun to through it out there every once in a while!

Ahhh. Out on the open road, Hwy 89 toward SR 50.


  1. Oooh fun!!
    A road trip!! Yipppee!!
    I'll be peeking for sure.

    Be safe and have a great time with your boys Mel.
    BTW, the quilt is absolutley stunning!!! Love love love the big daisies!! :D

    Robyn xx

  2. Fun! I love vacation! And your grandmas applique gift is beautiful!

  3. Road trip! Used to just love doing that! Last time was almost midnight when Mike said road trip! We drove 4 hours down to see my sis. LOL Love, love, love that Abba cassette.

  4. Oh lucky grandma to receive a handmade gift from you!! this is just what your arm needs, rest, family, food and of course shopping, have fun!!!

  5. What a wonderful adventure!Grandma's quilt is beautiful. And watch those pills. You were probably too sleepy to think about what was wrong. Hoping your trip continues too be wonderful. hugs and prayers,Tina

  6. Mel--it sounds like so much fun to take a road trip. I am so in the mood right now. I just can't wait for school to be out. Have a wonderful trip!

  7. Road!!! Your grandma gift is darling!

  8. Mel, Mom loved the quilt, but she loved you guys staying with her and visiting and playing ball and frisbee with Urban even more. That the the best present. She couldn't stop talking about it. And now Nate is No 1 grandson for putting in the faucet. The party was a great hit. Although she did find out about it the day before. Hope you guys are having a good time. Where are you? Any idea when you will be home. We missed you a dinner tonight, but are happy you are having a good time. AND just a little jealous you are on a road trip with out me.
    Love MOM (the Deanie type)

  9. I love camping trips, and it is so nice to be able to share it with you. I look forward to the pics!

  10. Hope you have lots and lots of fun, wish I could just take off like that.


  11. Mystery, adventure and family. Now that sounds like a wonderful vacation. Loved your grandma's gift. Very pretty.

  12. Yay for the road trip! I hope you have tons of fun, and I will keep track of you here!! ;)

    Your quilt is gorgeous! I hope she loved it. Awesome work!


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