
Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Be Aware, Be Grateful
1. Lissa is moving around!
2. Nice warm nights
3. Nathan can fix our cars
* * * 

Giveaway Closed
Thanks for participating!

I've been thinking I need to do something fun to commemorate my blog's 400th post, which was actually here.
The fact that my blog has accumulated over 200 followers. {tHanKS}!
And that I'm getting ready to go on my FIRST Shop Hop!! (more about that later)

So, tell me: {leave a comment on this post}
  1. Does your state/area have a shop hop?
  2. If you go, what is a MUST not to forget or do?
  3. What is one thing (or more) that you'd like to change about the shop hops you've participated in?
  4. What do you like best about the shop hops you've attended?
  5. Do you ever make anything from the free patterns they give out?
You have to answer every question (5).  

If you've never participated in an 'official' shop hop, tell me about when you gather with a group of friends (one or more) and go to a few quilt shops.

Something I find along the shop hop!  

So like some FQ's, a charm pack, a pattern . . . 

For every 20 (original) entries I'll draw one winner.  

{UPDATE} We've got at least 40 comments (so far) so that means, that at this point, there will be at least 3 winners selected!

So spread the word if ya would!  Grab the colorful button, place it on your sidebar or in a post and make sure it links to this post.  

Let me know (in the same comment as your answers) and you'll get 3 MORE entries! 

Drawing(s) will be held in one week - Tuesday, April 27th (my mom's birthday)


  1. congrats on your 400th post!

    My state (island)does have a shop hop and I have participated in it the past two years and plan to again this summer.

    I can't forget to take a list of what I am looking for (borders, bindings, etc) for specific projects.

    I would appreciate that the shops in the shop hops would coordinate more and maybe make a combined quilt out of the patterns or use specific fabric (like they do in Western Washington State.

    I like that the shop hop here gives you two weekends to participate and go to 7 - 9 stores.

    I don't make the free patterns because they are things I can download off the net and I would pefer to make a combined project from all the stores participating.

  2. Hi!
    love your blog!
    Here in ISrael we dont have any shop hops. I really wish we did. Its such a great idea, but most of the fabric shops here cater to a different clientele (not sure what)...

    I think I would use the free patterns, depending what they are...)

    does posting about this post on facebook count in spreading the word? I hope so>....

  3. Congratulations on 400 posts! Hope you have fun with your giveaway - no shop hops here in Perth that I've heard of but hope you have a lot of fun on yours! Don't enter me in your giveaway - too much stuff as it is!
    Hugs - Shari

  4. unfortunately my quilt shop does not have a shop hop and since I do not drive far I cannot go to the other ones in the state.

  5. I actually created a shop hop for our guild and several other in the area. We travelled throughout southern Tn down to Atlanta, GA.
    My first bit of advice is where comfortable clothes and shoes! Make a list of what you want...because it becomes overwhelming and you might forget those things!
    I can't think of anything I'd change. The shop owners were great and offered us discounts and great service.
    The best thing, is seeing new lines of fabrics and imagining the possibilites.
    Sometimes, I make the patterns. Often it's one I have so I'll pass it on.
    It was my pleasure to put your button on my blog. Hope you get lots of visitors. Lynne

  6. My city does have shop hops but I've never participated. I recently spoke with someone who has and it sounded like a bunch of fun. I may have to give it a try once I figure out how it works.

  7. If you've never participated in an 'official' shop hop, tell me about when you gather with a group of friends (one or more) and go to a few quilt shops.

    Well we barely have a shop here, let alone a shop hop!

    But, my Nan (grandmother) and I usually get together and shop hop on the net! We've bought from several internet stores and usually prefer the precuts! We also buy the pattern books from there :)

    I'll be posting about your shop hop today :)

  8. I live in Eastern PA and we do have a shop hop. I've never done the whole thing but did buy many of the blocks when I first started quilting. Loved the quilt design but never made them yet. Someday. We are lucky to have many great quilt shops in the area.

  9. First, let me say I am glad there is improvement for Lissa. I've been thinking of her alot lately. As for the shop hop:

    There have been ones in our area but it is nearly impossible to get to all the shops due to their distance from each other, so I've not tried to do all of them.

    I take a list and try to wear comfy clothes when going to multiple shops on the same day.

    I wish they would give you MORE days to get to all the shops. If you don't do it in THEIR time-frame, you are not eligible for some of the prizes and it is just too darned far to do it in THEIR time-frame at my age!!!

    Even though I have too much fabric, that is what I usually buy on these hops...and that is what I like best....also the fact that they usually have lots of giveaways!

    I used to collect all the free patterns and now don't unless I really love it as I already have too many patterns and surely don't need more!! LOL

  10. THese are great questions! I've never been on a shophop but have heard of them online. I do believe Maine has one, but, I live at the northern most point and the hop is a good6-7 hours away so I don't participate. I'm off to read everyone's answers and gather some info. We've got one store in a 75 mile radius that sells fabric, so our fun times are limited! Still, getting together with girlfriends is the highlight. I often like to have them over for a light lunch as well.

  11. 1. Does your state/area have a shop hop? Yes, at least twice a year
    2. If you go, what is a MUST not to forget or do? Have your "passport" stamped.
    3. What is one thing (or more) that you'd like to change about the shop hops you've participated in? Some of the shop hops have covered a large geographical area. I'd like for them to add another day, to make it doable and less hectic.
    4. What do you like best about the shop hops you've attended? Seeing all of the samples made up in the shops. They are always so inspiring.
    5. Do you ever make anything from the free patterns they give out? In our area they do not give a free pattern. You must purchase a kit with their block. When I have visited my BFF in Ohio, you had the choice of a free pattern or buying their block. I would love for our area to give out the free pattern. Last year was the first time I ever purchased the pattern blocks, and there were some real problems with some of the blocks (not enough fabric, no directions etc).

    I am heading to my blog to post your button :-) Have a fun time.

  12. Congratulations!! And thanks for the giveaway! :0)

    1. Yes, we have an Amish Country Shop Hop every fall. I've only gone once though. :0(
    2. The one time I went it was mainly for the kit for each block they were offering.
    3. This shop hop had one or two shops that were way out of the way. It would be nice if they were all within a certain distance.
    4. Seeing all the lovely quilts the shops made from the blocks! :0)
    5. Mine are still sitting in a tub waiting for me. They're on my list to get sewn up this year...or maybe next. LOL

  13. Yes, we are lucky to have a shop hop for the Southern California area.

    I always like to bring a big bag, writing utensils and a camera. If I see something at a shop I can then go back later.

    Although I cannot change the people who attend, it would be nice to have the shops well organized for the crowds.

    I love when the shops have litlle displays of completed projects from students. I also love some of the little goodies tht are passed out - needles, hand cream, charms, etc.

    Absolutely I make some of the free patterns.

    I am adding the button to my blog.

  14. Congrats on your 400th post!

    1. My current state has a shop hop but this is our first year here so I haven't done yet.
    2. I'm not sure what to take other than a map and the shop hop passport.
    3. I am pretty excited about this shop hop and I don't think I'd change anything.
    4. I love that they have special shop hop fabric made and you get pieces of it with the block patterns!
    5. I can't wait to make the block patterns and they even off finishing kits at some stores.

    Have a great time on your shop hop!

  15. Wow 400 posts!!
    1. Our guild has it's own shop hop every year plus there are lots of others in the area.
    2. Don't forget a light weight shoulder bag (full of money or a credit card) so you can use both hands to shop.
    3. They've been so much fun, no real change, just wish shops were closer together.
    4. They have a theme and we carry it through on the bus with games and prizes.
    5. Yes, I use the free patterns.

    Your button is on my blog Mel!

  16. First God bless Lisa
    Wow!! $00 wonderful posts!! Congrats.

    1. Illinois has quite a few and yes I have gone to them.
    2. bring a tote bag, so you can just have one bag to carry, bring a friend if you can, bring $$$$!!!
    3. I would like them to be quilt shops, one had an herb garden shop, with a folded quilt on the table. There is nothing wrong with herbs, but on a quilt shop hop!
    4. I love to see displayed quilts that have kits made up, so if I like it, I can grab the kit.
    5. I have never used the patterns, but one shop was giving out thread, that was great.
    You are going to have a wonderful time!!!
    I am off the post your button and link. Thank you for a fun giveaway!

  17. Congratulations on your 400th post. I have to say I prefer to make my own shop hop with my friends. Less crowds and no pressure. I actually had a mini hop of my own the other day I went to three shop by myself.

    1. Does your state/area have a shop hop? There are a few Shop hops unfortunately they almost always seem to be held at a time when we have other plans.
    2. If you go, what is a MUST not to forget or do? Bring some water/drinks in a cooler & some snacks, also wear comfortable clothes & shoes.
    3. What is one thing (or more) that you'd like to change about the shop hops you've participated in? I love it if they had enough helpers so that waiting in line would not seem to take forever.
    4. What do you like best about the shop hops you've attended? Friendly faces, good customer service, door prizes, one shop I went to had little bottles of water on ice, others had candy, a special discount would be nice, etc...
    5. Do you ever make anything from the free patterns they give out? Nope.

  18. Congrats Mel! I usually attend the shop hop in Las Vegas every November. I always have to remember water and a bag to keep my stuff in in the car (to keep it separated from the other hoppers' stuff). I wish the shops had more small things for sale so that I could always get at least one thing from each shop. The best part is just visiting so many shops in a short period of time...visiting with friends and shop employees/owners! I've made three projects from past shop hops...maybe about 50% of the ones I've received!

  19. 1. Yes, my area does have a shop hop.
    2. Bring a map, and check what hours each store is open.

    3. I would like for them to have extended evening hours. In the shop hops I have been too, you are entered to receive prizes if you have visited every shop. This is hard to do if you work during the day.

    4. Seeing the same people from store to store as you hop.

    5. I have never been given a free pattern. Here there is a kit you can buy. All the shops co-ordinate it so that if you buy all of the kits you can make a large size quilt.

  20. Hi! Perhaps I already go to a shop hop but I don't know what it is! can you tell me what it is and every thing about the shop hop, please. my english is not so good to imagine what it can be.
    thank you

    Yes,Montana has a Shop Hop. Just new to the Quilting World, so have not participated; plan to though. Sounds like fun! Love,Linda

  22. Congrats!

    1. No shop hop in Arkansas - that I'm aware of. But there is a shop hop on the internet that I join in on occasionally.
    2. If I were to go on a shop hop, I would make sure I find a really good coffee house so I can get a cup of something good...I love coffee!
    3. The only shop hop I've been on is the one on the internet and I really like it because I save money on gas.
    4. Don't know what I'd change since I've never been on one.
    5. Currently the fabshophop is giving away pattern for a spring/flower quilt and I am collecting them so I can make it (one day).

    Thanks for the AWESOME giveaway!

  23. 1. Yes
    2. We go through Gatlinburg and we have to eat at the Old Mill. YUM!
    3. Wish they were closer together.
    4. Love seeing new shops.
    5. Not yet.

    Oh and I'm adding you to my blog

  24. Wow, congrats on 400 posts.
    1.My state has held several hops. I participated in one, one time.
    2. You must not forget to bring a list of things or fabrics you might want to buy.
    3.I would have liked the shops to have some special sales going on.
    4.The thing I like the best about the hop I attended was seeing the different fabrics.
    5.I did not make the whole quilt from the pattern I got but did use a few of the blocks in another quilt.

  25. Heya! Congrats on number 400!!

    I have never participated in a shop hop, though a lot of stores around here do them.

    My mom and I go on out own little shop hop at times, and often we bring some of our quilty friends with us. She has her group (Binding Buddies) and I have my group (3 Young Chicks & A Hot Hen)- Mom is a part of mine as well (she's the hot hen!!), because we have been teaching my other two friends that I introduced to the awesome world of quilting! We usually take a full Saturday and hit 5-7 shops all around the area, sometimes a bit further if we are ready for a roadtrip!!

    Hope you have a great day!!!


  26. We don't have a local shop hop that I'm aware of. We do have an annual show where there are dozens of shops with booths there and some awesome fabric selection. I can't forget to take a couple ideas or patterns with me so I don't just buy yardage aimlessly, and of course a big budget so that I can buy what I like there :)

    I'm posting your blog and link on my blog now :)

  27. 1. Yes, our area has a shop hop. I haven't been for a few years.
    2. EAT!! BUY!!! FONDLE (the fabric!)
    3. Would love if they each would have a small kit at a low a pincushion, needlebook, tote...something small and inexpensive that would have everything you need to make it.
    4. the Fabric, patterns, fun time with friends..
    5. I don't think so..if I did I don't remember...

  28. Today is my first visit to your blog--very interesting! I will be back!
    1. Yes
    2. Have a list of projects with the fabric collections.
    3. Generally, the shops are too far apart.
    4. Love the different ways that fabric is displayed.
    5. No

  29. You're such a wonderful giver. Happy 400.

  30. Yes we have a Western Washington Quilt Shop Hop. It is when the kids are out of school so they come with me. The Hop has a great passport program for the kids too and they get a square of fabric at every shop. They enjoy coming with me.

    I always make sure to have a list of fabric/notions I need to fill in holes in my projects.

    I wish the shops would include all the fabric for the block they are offering without making me pay for a kit that makes the rest of the block. So I would change the fact that you have to pay. I do always try to buy something at each shop so that I am supporting them. So it isn't that I am a total cheapo. :)

    My favorite thing about the Hop is that they make it fun for my kids.

    My Hop gives out block patterns with some of the fabric to make into a big shop hop quilt. I have made some of them.

    Happy 400th Mel! I hope you have a fun time hopping!!

  31. 1. Does your state/area have a shop hop? Yes it does
    2. If you go, what is a MUST not to forget or do? Print out the map to all the shops and have a game plan.
    3. What is one thing (or more) that you'd like to change about the shop hops you've participated in? I wish that they had a bus that would take you to all the stores.
    4. What do you like best about the shop hops you've attended? I loved getting aquaplaned with stores I didn't know about.
    5. Do you ever make anything from the free patterns they give out? I have only been on one, and it was a few weeks ago, so NO I haven't yet. I did get a few block patterns that I would like to try.

  32. Never been on a hop! I know it is sad indeed, no hops in my town. Congratulations on 400th post and have fun on your hop tour, Sharonj.

  33. 1 Yes, in Las Vegas...but I wish St. Geroge would host one.
    2.Get my papers/cards stamped for the grand prize.
    3. They would create small, inexpensive kits to take and make.
    4. When they have sales...
    5.Yes. lately the shop hops in Vegas have been a quilt pattern. You would get a section at each if you wanted the entire pattern you had to visit each shop.

    glad to read Lissa is moving around. Your blog is looking great!

  34. What fun stuff! I don't think our state (Alabama) has a shop hop; at least, I've never heard of one. I know that when a group of us have gone "shophopping" a must have is my Quilters Travel Companion. It's got so many great shops in it (and phone numbers when directions are needed). One thing I'd change? Well I guess I'd love to have a structured shop hop--it sounds like fun! The best part of those trips is the LAUGHING we girls do! Since I've not participated in a real one, there's been no patterns; but I have collected the ones from online shop hops. I'm saving them for LATER!

    Oh -- and I've definitely posted this (with a link back) on my blog!!!!

    Congrats on 400 posts *and* yay for Lissa moving!! That's so exciting! :)

  35. My area (Eastern Washington) does have an annnual shop hop. There are around 8 shops that participate.
    I usually forget to take a camera, and a list of existing projects, but I never forget to take other quilters! Which is why I need the camera!
    I do not like having to go to every shop to get a complete pattern, considering the hop is only 3 days long.

    My favortive shop closed (retired) so I do not get to see my favorite teachers, quilters, fellow class takers, etc... that is until the shop hop. I also love going to the out of town shops to see what they specialize in!
    I have not won a giftbasket, but I would sure love to. My Mom and Aunt have both is my year!
    I have done a table runner, but most of the quilt patterns are not complete because I did not make it to all of the stores.

  36. Great blog. Wow, 400 posts!!!
    Washington had regional shop hops. My sister and I did one last Spring and did our early Christmas shopping.
    I can't forget to mapquest the shops to plan the most direct routes.
    I would spread it over a longer period so we could hit more shops.
    I love looking at new fabric lines and getting ideas.
    I haven't used their free patterns.

  37. 1. Yes, there is one coming up in June
    2. I don't want to forget to look at all the sales and fun patterns!
    3. I wish that they would go longer than a couple days, because I work funny hours.
    4. It is fun to win something, and also fun to look at all the cute stuff.
    5. I haven't made anything from any free patterns.

  38. No shop hops here so unfortunately I can't answer the rest of the questions!

  39. I am so glad I found this site!

    1. I go on shop hops every year...we have lots of them in our area.

    2. I must always make a list and bring MONEY. Then I amust remind the Dh and son that I miay not be home til later that evening...dinner is easy to fix (microwave) and in the fridge.

    3. I would love the shop hops to include a restaurant and coupons in their shop drink, save $1.00 off your dinner. I would also like them to include 2 weekends...the week is usually filled up with family and school events.

    4. The best thing about the shop hops I've been on is the discount on merchandise. And EVERYONE is in a good mood!

    5. About the only thing i've ever made from the free patterns is a gift basket for one of the retreats I went on.

    This is fun..time to look for another shop hop

  40. Unfortunately we do not have shop hops here , there simply are not enough shops to participate.I did however attend a great shop hop while visiting the Seattle area two years ago . My advice would be to wear very comfortable shoes and take a large tote to carry all that fabric you will likely buy . I enjoyed the free giveaways , patterns etc. and yes I did make some of the patterns , a tote and a stitchery . As far as how they could make them better or more interesting , possibly some demos of technigues would be really nice . I did attend such a day here recently at a local quilt shop and the owner had a terrific day with several demos on various topics , from wool to piecing to painting on fabric .I will post about this giveaway on my blog .

  41. Hi! Congratulations on 400!

    1. Yes, my state (Ohio) has a shop hop.
    2. I've only been once, but I'd say don't forget to wear comfortable shoes! :o)
    3. Don't know how to answer this one as I've only been to one.
    4. I like the whole "party time"
    atmosphere of the shops, and of course the "freebies" everyone gives out.
    5. I didn't receive any free patterns from the hop I attended, but I probably wouldn't use them as I only make bags.

    Thanks so much for the opportunity to win ~ and happy "hopping"!



  42. Unfortunately, there is no shop hop where I live...I'm thankful that there is now a quilt shop!

    Friends and I have gotten together to go fabric store hopping for fabrics for crazy quilts.

    Wish your Mom a very happy birthday!

  43. Congrats on your 400th post. Woo Hoo!!

    I haven't participated in a shop hop in this state, but I have in the past.

    Remember to take fabrics to match or a list of things I need so I don't get sidetracked and buy things I don't need.

    I think the shop hops here give you a weekend to hit all the stores, I don't think that's a long enough time frame. They should spread it out over 2 weekends.

    Love the gadgets and discounts they give.

    No, I haven't made anything yet with the free patterns given out, but give me time. LOL

    Thanks again..

  44. Congrats on your 400th post. My state has 2 shop hops in the fall and one in the spring.
    Remember to take a tote with you as well as a list of anything special i am looking for.
    I would like each shop to have something special, a kit, fat quarters bundled up etc, Not all do this.
    I like when the shops have bundles with a mug or plate, and have kits that they don't usually have.

    I haven't made any of the quilts yet but keep the patterns and any fabric that i buy for them. usually one of the shops designs the quilt especially for the hop.
    Kathy H

  45. Congratulations on your 400th post. You have a lovely blog too!

    I love shop hops so this is certainly fun to see all the comments. Here are my insights.

    1) Yes, many actually. Some where a few shops partner for Spring & Fall, 2) a hop where all shops in the county partner and 3) a hop where all shops in part of the state partner.

    2) Don't forget to take your camera. Visiting quilt shops can be like going to a quilt show. And it is too easy to forget what you saw where, so if you later want to go back it helps to remind you where you saw what. But always ask permission to take photos in a quilt store!

    3) "Directions" to nearby stores, and nearby restaurant suggestions.

    4) Energy level of the store, ability to see so many stores that I may not frequent, and that each store has its' own personality and something to give. I also like it when stores have free demonstrations going on for various techniques or new products.

    5) It really depends, but I have made things from free patterns given away at hops. Just depends on the quality of the pattern. But I also like shop hops that have a raffle drawing for anything (little or big prizes).


  46. congrats on 400 posts!

    Does your state/area have a shop hop? Yes, two that i know of.

    If you go, what is a MUST not to forget or do? directions, water bottle, patience.

    What is one thing (or more) that you'd like to change about the shop hops you've participated in?

    i don't like having to pay $5 for the 'passport' to be stamped at each shop.

    What do you like best about the shop hops you've attended?

    discounts, free patterns, some free gifts.

    Do you ever make anything from the free patterns they give out?


    thanks for a chance and have fun

  47. My area does not have shop hops. :( Usually I drive up to PA for a day or two with my mom and we go get lunch and explore the fabric stops and at the end of our trip, we make sure to go to the Wilbur Chocolate Factory. It's a lot of fun, but I do wish a shop hop was started around near us.

  48. I'm a new quilter, but an old blogger. congrats on you 400th post. I've never been to a shop hop, but I'm looking forward to going to the next one here.

  49. I haven't been to any shop hops around my area, not that many shops so I have been doing the Online shop hops and I find lots of shops to buy from, best part, lots of prizes to be won. Yes I do use the patterns that I get from the shop hops.

  50. 1.Yes we have a shop hop in the metro Atlanta Area. Approx. 11-13 shops in a 3 or 4 day period.
    2. You must plan your route, especially if you only have a day or two. The shops can be spread out and it can be tiring and not fun if you're exhausted and not driving safely. Have a general amount of money you'd like to spend and be aware whether a kit price is a deal or marked up for the occasion. It's easy to get carried away and buy more than you can afford.There should be more of smaller prizes because so many people participate. A deal with a participating lunch place close by. Bring a few snacks and a water bottle, time goes by quickly.
    3. I love getting to see different displays, fabrics and patterns. I like that there is one main theme that is represented differently by each shop for interest. Usually the shops individually will give you something special like a square or fat 8th. The atmosphere is fun and friendly and you get to talk with lots of neat people.
    4. I only made something once when we got fabric scraps along with a mini applique pattern. Otherwise no.
    Have Fun!!!

  51. 1. My area probably does have shop hops, although it depends how narrowly you mean "my area." I know there are some like 40 miles away...
    2. I have never been on one, but I would conjecture: wear comfortable shoes, take some of the heavy junk out of my purse, and bring a list of things I especially want to find.
    3. It seems that winning the grand prize tends to be contingent on going to all participating stores; I'd be afraid this would make me limit how long I spend in one that I like.
    4. I have attended online shop hops, and what I like is finding stores with good deals or good selections that I never would've found otherwise.
    5. I haven't gotten any free patterns this way, but my experience with free patterns that someone else picks out is that they tend not to be my taste. However, I did win a blog giveaway once for some fabric scraps and the nice blogger threw in a free pattern that I definitely plan to use!

    Also, I put your button on my blog!

  52. 1. Since I'm from Nebraska, that would be a yes. This was my 4th? year. 2. Don't forget to get your card stamped, or check out the goodies! 3. I wish they would let shops have sales during shop hop (other than the skinny bolts.)4. Only hopped in Nebraska, but I would love to go to another state. 5. I did buy the stuff to make a cute organizer thingie, but have I made it??? Well, you know! Do you know about It lists a lot of hops by state. : )

  53. We don't have one in our state, but I have seen ones that looked interesting in other states.
    One thing I would not forget to take is my money;)
    One thing I would change about the ones, I have seen is to have them closer, some are too far away from each other to go to them all.
    If they offered free patterns that I like, I would make them.


  54. 400 posts! Fabulous! Congrats!

    1. We have two shop hops. The Atlanta Shop Hop is in March. The North Georgia Hop is in May. I have only done the complete shop hop once. Each year I do try to visit a couple of shops. This year I was only able to visit 3 of my favorite.

    2. Make a list to focus on items you need for projects. We also packed sandwiches, water and diet drinks so we could visit more shops and not stop for lunch.

    3. I would love it if each shop would feature some item on Sale. Our shops do not do specials during the Shop. One shop could have a sale on books. Another could feature notions. etc.

    4.The time spent with my quilting buddies. We laugh, share stories, encourage each other to buy:)

    5. I haven't ever made anything from the free patterns. I have made the quilts from the fabric I collected on each Hop.

    Enjoy your Shop Hop! Bring lots of $$$$. Bring a camera to share photos on your blog.

  55. 1. Yes, my area does have a shop hop – it’s in the northern Illinois/SE Wisconsin area. It’s end of Sept/early Oct time frame. Quilt Play in Grayslake, IL is in it, they usually have something on their website as we get closer.
    2. Visit all of the stores so you get into the drawing. My mom won $50 from one of the stores! Also, allow at least 2 days to make it to all of them. Also, bring a list of things you need and lots of cash!
    3. Get more stores in the Shop Hop –there are a few quality shops that weren’t in the shop hop.
    4. Everyone gets excited about it and happy to see you. And the free fat quarter! LOL
    5. No, I haven’t made anything. It was kind of advanced for me, and not really my taste. I would rather get something more simple or a bag pattern(s).

  56. Hi Mel! I feel lucky to live here in Utah where we have two great shop hops. I'm looking forward to the upcoming one in June.

    The one thing that I always must remember - is to take my GPS. That way I am led directly to the next store w/o any frustrations.

    I liked the idea of the shop hop being held on a couple of weekends. With my old job, it was only possible to go on Saturday. This year, I have a new job, so I might be able to take a day off and make it a 2 day event.

    I like visiting all the different stores. The people are (usually) so friendly & helpful. It's a good time to get out with my daughter and have some bonding time.

    I've never made anything yet, but I still love the free patterns that are handed out.

    I've added your button to my sidebar! I do hope you are able to come back to Utah for the Shop Hop. I've never been to Sew Sweet in Tooele, and it would be so fun to meet you in person!

  57. Congrats on your 400th post!!

    I have never been on a shop hop to quilt shops, but I have participated in the Fab Shop Hop online. It lasts a month and you have to find the bunny in 130 shops to qualify to win the grand prize. There are lots of smaller prizes as well. ($10 gift certificates)

    They do usually offer a free pattern, and even though I down load it, I have never made one.

    There are usually tons of sales going on and I do usually end up buying something from one or two of the shops.

    I put your button on my blog too!

  58. 1. I live in the Yukon and we have one quilt store - so no shop hop - I guess we could just hop around the one store :)Whenever I go to Victoria, where my daughter is in school, or Seattle, where my brother lives, I try and check out all the local stores - easy in Victoria where there are about five, less easy in Seattle where there are numerous stores and some I haven't found yet.

    2.When I get to go to different stores I like to have a list of the things I've been looking for. Otherwise I get overwhelmed with all the glitz and glitter and end up leaving with nothing.

    3.I wouldn't change a thing :)

    4. I love seeing different stores and realizing how many different fabrics there are out there and how many ideas there are of things to make.

    5.Hey if I ever got a free pattern I would probably try it eventually, or else give it away to someone who I thought would like it more than me.

    My quilting friends and I usually go once or twice a year to a quilt store that is about 70 miles away in Alaska. They have great sales there as they change the store drastically in the summer to accomodate tourist traffic. One time there were four of us trying to pick fabric for a quilt we were making for a co=worker's wedding. It took us about four hours and must have been hilarious to watch. Usually I go with one other friend and we're always looking out for things we know the other is looking for, or would love.
    Sorry that my comments aren't a lot of help for planning your shop hop, but I'd still like to get in the giveaway.

  59. 1. Does your state/area have a shop hop?
    Yes, but unfortunately, not very close to me (I live in CA - big state!)

    2. If you go, what is a MUST not to forget or do?
    I haven't gotten a chance to go yet.

    3. What is one thing (or more) that you'd like to change about the shop hops you've participated in?
    I haven't been to one yet, but would love to if there is ever a participating shop close by.

    4. What do you like best about the shop hops you've attended?

    5. Do you ever make anything from the free patterns they give out?
    I probably would. I have used from free patterns found online before.

    Thank you for the giveaway and congrats on post #400!

  60. I'm not aware of any state shop hops but I do love to get together with my fellow quilters, jump in a car and off we go. The last one we did was an overnighter which was even more fun, and even more shops. Because it's not a planned thing, there are no free patterns etc. It's just take your list, or plans, or whatever you have in your head, and lot's of money too, and buy to your heart's content. Of course, it is also a great pleasure just to browse in the lovely shops, admire their displays and learn. And it's even more fun when it's all done with friends.

  61. oh, and I forgot, congratulations on 400 posts!!!! And I hope you enjoy your shop hop experience!

  62. Congratulations on your 400th post. Does your state/area have a shop hop? There is one small shophop in our area, 4 shops of which 2 are owned by the same person.
    If you go, what is a MUST not to forget or do? I didn't go this year, but what I must remember is to take plenty of cash and a good notebook.
    What is one thing (or more) that you'd like to change about the shop hops you've participated in? More shops.
    What do you like best about the shop hops you've attended? going with like-minded quilters.
    Do you ever make anything from the free patterns they give out? no, this one did not have a free pattern

  63. I have never been on a shop hop, wish I could (maybe one day)
    I do go fabric shopping with my mother in law. When we go together she always shows my something at first I go naw...but then after listening to her I agree it it is great and am never disappointed once I use it.
