
Thursday, May 13, 2010


1. A fun visit with my sister and nephew
2. Washing machine
3. Camera technology
* * * 
Jane is hostessing a Quilt Around the World with a Christmas theme.

I made my starter block (upper left) a paper pieced snowflake.  I got such a great response to the design that I'm going to try to make everyone in the group a snowflake.  

Some of the quilters request that a piece of fabric they send be used in the block we make for them.  Such was the case with the snowflake block I made with the Santa center.

I'm so glad I'm getting to participate!!

The snowflakes are particularly appropriate since we have been getting sleet and snow, here in Denver, for a couple of days now!


  1. Sweet! What a clever idea that was. And by the way, happy belated anniversary to you! My hubby and I will celebrate 14 years in June!


  2. You are still getting snow!!! YIKES!!!
    You know I love your block! Glad you are having fun, we are thrilled to have you!

  3. Your feathered star/snowflake block is so pretty. Looks like it would be hard to piece.

  4. where did you find the pattern for the snowflake? I am just getting into paper-piecing and this would be great for some gifts this year..

    Love that red background...

  5. I love the snowflake and the thought behind it. Wow, snow in Denver! It's been a very cool spring here too Mel, but no snow.
    Stay warm!

  6. What a great idea. I love Monica's new snowflake fabric and it would go perfectly with this challenge.


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