
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Exploring Colorado

1. In-laws (NO, REALLY!)
2. Outdoors
3. My own bed
* * *
My parents-in-law flew into Denver last Thursday and stayed with Urban while my hubby and I were able to explore Colorado's beautiful outdoors in our VW.

I've been wanting to get up to Boulder for sometime now.  I was a little disappointed, I was expecting a quaint, artsy town, but it was quite large with lots of sprawl.  The historic area (pictured) was fun to walk however with this great independent book store.

See the quilt they had hanging?  Can't find fault with a business that hangs a quilt!

I had the opportunity to visit a few quilt shops and will be posting pics of them within the next couple of days!


  1. How nice that you got to explore on your own while Urban got some time with his grandparents!

  2. It sounds like it was a fun visit. It is nice to have in-laws to keep an eye on things while you are out.

  3. Oh I am so happy you were able to spend some alone time with each other and Urban got some one on one from Grandma and Grandpa!

  4. I've been to that area once, and didn't spend nearly enough time there. I'm looking forward to your posts showing us a little more of Colorado.

  5. I've only just driven through Denver and not really stopped. It is something I have on my list of things I want to do.


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