
Saturday, July 10, 2010

What Gives??

Be Aware, Be Thankful
1. Visit from Utah friends
2. Cool weather
3. Play groups
* * *

For one reason or another, I have not been able to update here as I've liked!  

Blogger wasn't allowing me to upload photos for a couple of days, then we had guests . . . 

Well, and now that I've got a minute, Blogger is STILL giving me problems regarding my uploading pictures - and I've got LOTS to share!!

I'll be honest, hubby has been playing with the Internet connection/modems etc and has got it twisted around somehow!!

I'll try again later!  Hope you are all well - don't forget about me while I'm forced to take a break!


  1. Enjoy your break Mel! We are going to all be here when you come back... anxiously awaiting those wonderful pictures that you have to share. :)

  2. I hope you get it straightened out soon. I know that kind of thing can be very frustrating! We will all be here, as Rae Ann said, when you get back from your break.

  3. What a pain blogger can be! I started using Windows Live Writer to write my blogs and post pictures. It is so easy to use and so much easier to throw a bunch of pictures in and rearrange them. You can download it for free.


Thanks so much for visiting and for leaving a comment! Come by anytime!!