
Friday, August 13, 2010


Be Aware, Be Thankful 1. I can use my hands
2. Beautiful Colorado weather
3. Hubby and son
* * * *

During my Unplugged Day, I was able to work on my scrappy hexagon project.  I love hand sewing these pieces together!!
I was running out of color/values so I made up some more. I made about 50 new ones to add to my growing piece.
Aren’t they fun to look at?  I think all the colors and prints would absolutely drive my {darling} mother berserk, but I LOVE it!!
layout idea Above: A layout idea of some of the new shapes
Below: The growing piece of hand sewn hexies.

sewn up
Of course Robyn of Daisy Quilts got me hooked on these fun shapes, check  out lots of other quilters who are making hexies!
Speaking of Robyn, she’s always busy with fun stuff, but her latest that has me interested in is:

My Family Reunion Quilt would have qualified I think – and I want to make similar quilts to use up my stash!!
I want to make some mini quilts to take to Argentina when I visit my parents.  I would like to give the minis to some of the generous people who have been so kind to my parents while they’ve been there.  I would use left over pieces for these minis as well.

Go on over to Robyn’s and get on the list!


  1. The hexies are busy and wild, but fun. You can do anything with any kind of fabric and make it into a work of art. That's just you! I like them. Mom

  2. OOO I like your hexies!! I love a fun scrappy quilt. I also look forward to seeing what you make for the challenge!
    PS Let me know if you need any fabric for your hexies, I would love to send you some!

  3. Very fun looks Mel! Are you going to make a quilt that can go on your bed?

  4. The hexies are just too cute! And I loved reading about your "unplugged" day...think I'd like to try that sometime...I sure could get a lot more done!


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