
Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Celebration

Be Aware, Be Thankful
1. Cold medicine
2. Soft pillows
3. Weekends
* * * * * * *

My mother-in-law turned 60 in September.  To celebrate, she and my sister-in-law Lori came to Denver to play!

Urban and I made a silly crown. Lori and I made Geri wear it everywhere we went!  Geri was a good sport and got lots of birthday wishes!


There was a little craft fair that we went to while they were visiting then I took them to a favorite little street near our apartment where we had yummy ice cream.


I also took them to visit my new place of work at Harriet’s Treadle Arts.


As you can see, everyone had a splendid time!


In my next post, I’ll share our trip to Georgetown, Colorado.


  1. Oh what fun!! It looks like it was a beautiful day outside and you girls we enjoying it so much!! Yeah!!! and Grandma is one good sport!

  2. Looks like you all had fun!

    We love Georgetown, I hope we can get up there before the year is over.


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