
Monday, November 15, 2010

Lissa and Her Quilt!

Be Aware, Be Thankful
1. Lissa’s home!!
Fun, inspiring weekend!
3. Family fun!

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

I was sooooo excited to present Lissa with the comfort quilt many of you helped make.


We all got emotional at the happiness that came over Lissa’s face when she saw her quilt for the first time. 

She and her husband, Mark were in awe that so many people that we have never met, would be so kind hearted as to donate so much love for Lissa’s sake.

It was a testament to the love that is in the human spirit and the wide spread of concern that is shared specifically here amongst bloggers. 

Many states in USA and countries such as Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and Argentina all held Lissa in their heart and offered comfort through words and prayers.

patches button

See Lissa’s amazing story here

See the Patches for Lissa request here

After much ooo-ing and aww-ing, we got things back to normal by playing a couple rounds of Hand & Foot.  Lissa didn’t miss a beat as she beat us by a large margin!  It’s good to have her back!!

Lissa with her three boys, Logan in red, Brock in blue and Brady in brown.  These boys are sooooo happy to have their mother home!


Many, many thanks to those of you who donated Four Patch Squares, money, gifts and cards to Lissa. 

Thank you to Jane who organized and collected the blocks.  Thanks to Millie for volunteering to quilt Lissa’s quilt.


Inset picture is of the back of the quilt, I could not have picked a better fitting design!! Thanks Millie!!

Signature squares (above) were sent by over 40 participants in Lissa’s Quilt. Not all are shown.

Thank you all so much.  I am a more compassionate person because of your examples.


  1. It was amazing to see how many people graciously donated their time and talents for this beautiful quilt. It was so fun to be there when it was presented to Lissa.

  2. I'm so happy to hear that Lissa is doing better and that she's home now! Praise GOD!
    What a beautiful quilt that turned out to be too, the quilting is gorgeous!

  3. Oh, my...I was battling insomnia tonight and got up around 1 a.m. and came to the computer, thinking I would surf around here and get sleepy. I am SO glad I did.....because I happened upon your blog post with the wonderful news that Lissa is home!!! It is so terrific to see her smiling face and to see her with her boys gathered around her. This is the first time I have been GLAD I had a bout of insomnia!!! Thanks be to God for this joyful news!!!

  4. The quilt looks absolutely wonderful and so does Lissa.
    I am so glad we all got together and her happy smile says it all.


  5. I'm so happy to read this post. Praise God she's doing better and with her boys.

  6. WOW! All of you did an amazing job! What a sweet group of ladies!

  7. What a lovely quilt .... I read Lissa's story for the first time today. What an amazing woman! I'll continue to follow your blog - this was my first visit.

  8. To see her beautiful smile after all she has been through must have made your heart leap. It turned out beautifully and everyone did a wonderful job on it.

  9. Mel, Lissa is a miracle. She look so happy and so good with her new quilt. You are such a good piecer and I had so much fun quiling her quilt. Thanks again for trusting me with the quilting. I love the striped binding.

  10. Kindness! Such a small thing to give and can touch so many. Thank you Mel.

  11. Oh, what a beautiful picture of her with her quilt. I was glad I could be a part of it.
    It is so good to know she is home which is the best place to be.

  12. Mel,
    What a great thing you have done for our Melissa. She called and told me about the quilt right after you had left her home that night. There are some pretty amazing people in this world. It really makes me happy to think that many people were thinking about Melissa and praying for her and did not even know her. I think Melissa would be totally blown away with knowing how many people were pulling for her through this big long joourney. Thanks for putting this on your blog so that people could pray for her. Thanks for being such a great sister-in-law to Melissa.
    Melissa's mom and family

  13. hi mel :)
    I missed this project :(
    I wanted you to know, and this is important as you will see for yourself!! my husband found dehydrated "chimichurri"
    if you want I can send some to you
    say hi to your mum, dad and sister

  14. The quilt is so pretty and I am so happy that Lissa is home! I just read her story. I wish i knew about the project and participate in her quilt! Millie did an amazing job quilting the quilt!

    Best wishes for speedy recovery!

  15. Thanks, Mel, for updating us on Lissa's quilt. It is so fun to see her wrapped in our love.

  16. Thanks for the update Mel. Good to see Lissa home and enjoying time with her family. The quilt turned out great :)

  17. It was so nice to see Lissa home at last. It was wonderful to be part of the saga and to see such a happy ending.

  18. Wow -- it's amazing how beautiful it is, with all those different shades and hues; but the most radiant is Lissa -- she's glowing! It's been humbling to be a part of this project. Jane was so gracious to open it up to us bloggers! :)


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