
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Quilter’s Harvest: The Retreat House

Be Aware, Be Grateful
1. Wonderful fall weather, still in the upper 50s!
2. Family traveled safely to two different places
3. Hair cut
* * * * * * * *

I’m still amped up about the Quilter’s Festival that took place in Alpine, Utah (and surrounding areas) last weekend!! Sydney from Alpine Retreats organized the FUN event! Quilt Retreats in Utah

Since I was coming from out of town, Sydney invited me to stay at the Retreat House. 


This is the room I was able to have sweet dreams!!  CHARMING!

3bed room

Did you notice the fireplace in the top picture?  I was ‘all snugged up’ as Urban likes to say!


Every detail was attended to by Sydney.  Fresh flowers, quilts, embroidered items and silver platters of candy were everywhere!

It was a wonderful place to absorb serenity and inspiration.

No need to tell you I slept quite well and when I woke up I was anticipating the fun day ahead.

1bed room

Another bedroom downstairs with a full sized bed. This one has a large walk out deck.


woman tapestry Isn’t this tapestry beautiful? It hangs above the bed.

Below are pictures of a room with two single beds and one full sized.

3bed up room

3bed up full

1bed up

One more cozy room with a double bed, balcony, fresh flowers and an amazing view!

To see more pictures of Alpine Retreat’s beautiful rooms and work spaces, click here for a tour!

Since I took over 100 pictures I thought I’d split them up.  :) So coming up will be posts about the classes and teachers, one about the places I visited and one that shows Sydney’s quilts and some of mine!


  1. what a treat to have bee invited to teach there, one can only dream


  2. What a beautiful retreat! It's been fun seeing all the pictures from Nanette and Rae Ann too. You ladies had a great time together.

  3. What a beautiful place. It is a dream home. I so want to live there. Each and every bedroom looks so cozy and inviting. It is a good thig it is a place for quilting or I might not get out of that bed!

  4. Talk about "Calgon - take me away" moments! I'm trying to convince someone in my town (and Jane's!!) to open a quilting retreat!! Dreamy!!

  5. It looks like a person could really feel at home there. What a lovely house.

  6. It looks like a wonderful place for a retreat! How lucky you are!

  7. Mel, just beautiful. I am sure the ladies would not mind you sharing all 100 pictures. lol

  8. Hey Mel ~ What great pictures! It
    makes me want to go sign up for the next retreat. Only if you come!
    I adore you and loved meeting you while you were here. It will always be my favorite part of Quilter's Harvest! ;)

  9. I can't find a place to e-mail you. Wanted to make sure you were okay. Haven't seen any posts from you since before Thanksgiving. I miss you!!

  10. HELLO you little blogster! Your blog couldn't be cuter! I had no idea, sheesh. Looking forward to the Sewing Summit weekend with you, my friend! xoxo


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