
Sunday, September 11, 2011

I have been asked to join in 

 "Handwork While You Wait" Week

This whole week will be filled with tons of projects and tutorials you can take on the go including a tutorial of mine!  I LOVE handwork so I know I'll be going to Victoriana Quilters site every day to see what new project has been posted and I hope you do too!


  1. Well, I for one will be glad for you to start blogging in September (which btw is here!!!). Check out my blog too if you want! Happy training and crafting!

  2. Sounds like fun - we all need a bit of handwork for 'social' sewing.

    The photo of you and Urban in your last post is just too cute! Very special.

  3. I have been seeing the tuts on handwork. Great job. Very cute needlebook.

  4. Hey Mel! Are you on Facebook? If so, I can't find you. I posted a BIG HUGE THANK YOU to you for helping me today with my 1/4 inch hem problem. You Rock and I wanted to link to you. Let me know.


Thanks so much for visiting and for leaving a comment! Come by anytime!!