
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Hello my friends!

Uhh, um.  Hi.

Should I pretend nothing has happened to make me stop blogging for the past 10 months or should I info vomit?

Let's just say for now, my personal life had a lot of unpicking to do. Nothing that family, friends and Diet Coke can't fix!

I haven't totally given up on the things that make me happy!

I miss the dickens out of ALL of you dear bloggy friends!!  I haven't been around visiting either! What a horrible neighbor!  Can we get together to chat?

A new addition helps lift my spirits!

I loved how being a part of my little bloggy world inspired me to create fun things.  I thrived on the communications I shared with you wonderful bloggers EVERYWHERE!

I'd like to begin blogging (again) in September - I think.  

A very happy Urban and Mel

I am alive, healthy, happy and blessed.  I am grateful for the gifts of hope, courage, endurance and intuition from my Savior, Jesus Christ.  I'm eternally thankful for the kindness and love from close friends and ALL my family members, who have picked up the pieces I couldn't carry.


  1. Hi Mel, nice to see you back! Life has a way of tipping up the way you least expect it doesn't it! Trust me, I live in Christchurch, I know!! Look forward to seeing what you are up to.

  2. welcome back!! It has been awhile and it's nice to see you easing back into life on the net..

  3. Dear Friend Mel!
    I have missed your blogging. How handsome Urban is, and you look wonderful! I missed seeing you at Sew Sweet during the shop hop in June.
    Looking forward to seeing your creative energies once again.

  4. Oh Sweetie, I am so glad to see you back! I never took your button off my blog. I knew you would return to us! You look amazing and you know I just adore your little one!!! He is such a cutie-pie!

  5. It's wonderful to hear from you again. Sounds like you've kept your spirits up and we're looking forward to seeing more from you. You're a welcome breath of fresh air!

  6. Welcome back to Blogland. You have been missed. Nice photo of you and Urban!

  7. What I nice surprise to see a post from you in my blog reader. SOOO happy to see you again! I wondered what in the world happened to you! =)
    God Bless and see ya in September.

  8. fun to see a post from you! Your posts are always fun, positive, and full of creativity! Welcome back!

  9. glad you are back! you look terrific! and happy :)

  10. Mel, you are so loved by so many people from so many places and these comments only prove it!!
    I love the green blouse color on you and the green on Urban also. I will be watching for your fun stuff on this blog. Love you guys!

  11. Missed you so much Mel... so glad you're back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    BIG hugs xxxx

  12. Hey Mel,
    great to have you back. I have thought of you a lot. God is good.
    Great photo of you and Urban.

  13. Glad your okay and glad to have you back!!!!

  14. Hello my dear friend! Just Monday... I said to myself... "I have got to e-mail Mel and find out where she has gone!" No kidding! So... I was so HAPPY to see you on here today... I about screamed! Love hearing from you and have missed you terribly!
    Love your new toy and adored your post! ;)

  15. You have been missed Mel. Welcome back. Life certainly has it's curves and changes. I know your faith and family are a great support.


Thanks so much for visiting and for leaving a comment! Come by anytime!!