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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bountiful Quilt Show {part 3}

This charming walkway lead to the side of the house where two more quilts were hung.
Close up of quilts along the path.
I was really impressed with this Americana quilt.
Love the design, love the colors and it was hand quilted.
I love how using the same pattern but different fabrics make such a difference!
I love both!
Entry to second yard of quilts.
This is the most darling fruit quilt I've seen! Mabel's Table by Quilt Soup {thanks Deb!}
Overview of side walk way into the back yard where there are MORE quilts!!
YES, I did take pictures of every quilt!! {I think!} You aren't getting bored are you?
There was a bluegrass group that entertained the wanderers
Doesn't this quilt draped hammock under a shady tree look like a nice place to rest?
We'll stop here for today, but there is MORE, MORE, MORE quilt to come!


luv2quilt2 said...

What a wonderful show. I wish I could have seen it.

Sherri said...

This is the most amazing show...I love every glad you took so many pictures! I love that fruit quilt is so cute! I want to make all of these quilts!

Barb said...

I love the quilt show you are providing for us! I also love the arrangements of the pictures--what a great display for everyone to enjoy! Thanks.

Trisha said...

What a wonderful presentation of quilts! This is so inspiring!

Deb Silva said...

"This is the most darling fruit quilt I've seen! Anyone know the pattern?"

Mabel's Table by Quilt Soup

Sandy in Buenos Aires said...

Ohhh my !!! I'm drooling here!!!!
My eyes popped with all of these grogeous quilts, I love them all !!!
Thank you, Mel, for sharing them with us !!!

Anonymous said...

That was a great show! I can't wait until tomorrow!

Colleen said...

BRAVO!!!!!!!! and many thanks for the quilt show tour.

Kim Walus said...

Mel, this has been so much fun looking at all of the quilts that you've shown us so far. Thanks for taking all of the pictures and I promise I'm not tired of the quilts. I look forward to seeing more.

Anonymous said...

Sure wish I could have seen this have been showing some awesome quilts...and all so more the types I really love.

Heidi said...

I find myself really drawn to the simplicity of that last quilt. I love traditional patchwork quilts a lot. I have a few ideas in my noggin around taking an old pattern and giving it a modern twist. Thanks for the inspiration. I love your pictures.

Dawn said...
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Dawn said...

So many lovely quilts! So much inspiration! Thanks for sharing with us!

Elizabeth said...

I wish I could decorate my yard in quilts all the time! Thanks for sharing the pics!