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Friday, August 21, 2009

Charming Girl's Quilt Club - August TAG

This picture was take several years ago and is kinda cheesy. I thought it would be appropriatefor this months Charming Girl's tag since it appears that I'm quite the quilting aficionado! {{kidding!!}}
1. Share your favorite quilting or sewing tip:
Use high quality quilting fabric. For all the time and love you put into your quilt, you will want it to last a long time while being snuggled and used. 2. Share your best tip for managing time more effectively:
I like to make sure that I always have hand projects ready to go.
I'm fortunate enough to be able to sew while being a passenger in the car without getting car sick. So if I'm going for a ride I grab my bag and go.
Even if you are driving, you may run into traffic where roads are shut down or your car may break down and you will be left with free time in which you wish you would have brought a project along 'just in case'! 3. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I would love to go to Switzerland. Something about that area of the world is very appealing to me. There are a lot of folk art inspiration there and I'd like to absorb it!


Carla said...

I think that is quite a cute photo. :)

Carrie P. said...

You are beautiful! I know a girl who has blocks in her car that she hand pieces while waiting a red light.

Micki said...

That's a wonderful photo of you!

Julia said...

That's a great photo Mel..
great to see you..
Julia ♥

Anonymous said...

So true about the fabrics - I have quite a few from when I first started which I really wont use now because they just arent nice feeling. Great Photo :)