OK, this is it! The last installment of the quilt show. It's been quite the tour hasn't it?
I'd like to title this area "Best Use of Tennis Court"!
The late afternoon sun was foiling my photography, but I think the pictures are still worth a look.
I hope your visual senses have been satisfied this week! Perhaps you've been inspired to begin a new project or finish an older one.
Thanks for hanging out at the quilt show with me! Now you owe ME a quilt show!! Next time you go to one, take lots of pictures to share!
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The next quilt show I'm going to is
Little America - Salt Lake City, Utah
November 14-19, 2009
ALL donated quilts are HAND quilted
Wow. Incredible workmanship. I love the white and red quilt. It looked like a wholecloth quilt with red quilting. Beautiful!
Our local guild's show started today. I can't wait to get out there and see everyone's handiwork!
I like how you posted your pictures, too. I want to share from our show -- I'll try something similar.
Have a great weekend! :)
Quilt Heaven - there's so much inspiration there!
Hugs - Lurline♥
Wow! Thanks for the show! Those were some busy quilters to have that many quilts to show in just two years. I really enjoyed it!
That was absolutely the most amazing quilt show. Thank you so much for all the wonderful pictures...what incredible quilters.
I went to this show after my day long rug hooking hook in. It is so sweet that the women share their talents with us. My friend is in the quilt group and she always does outstanding work as do all the women.
I am looking forward to the Holiday quilt show--I am a volunteer for it and I helped make one of the auction quilts so I am especially excited to be there! Thanks for all the photos you posted.
Thank you Mel......yes, these photos helped me decide on a quilt top I have been mulling over...whether to add borders of just bind it!! Thank you again!!
This was amazing!!
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