Mini’s, Snowflake, and a Win!
Be Aware, Be Thankful
1. Electricity
2. Internet Friends
3. Weekend Fun
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This fall, my sister and I are going to Argentina to visit my parents. They are on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and have met so many wonderful people.
As a “Thank You” to the people who have opened their homes and hearts to my parents, I want to give them a little something.
I thought about pot holders and mentioned this to my mom and she said “Oh, they won’t use them, they will use them as a decoration.” So I thought I would make mini quilts instead.
I’ve made six so far, I hope to take at least 10. Each one measures somewhere between 15” to 19”. Almost all of them so far are square.
I haven’t quilted them yet. . . I would like to hand quilt them, but I don’t think that will be feasible considering the time restraint.
All the fabrics I’m using are leftovers from a previous project (no pic!) So I’m using my stash!!
Rae-Ann and Robyn would be so proud!
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I got another snowflake done for Jane’s Quilt Around the World Christmas group, I really like how this turned out. Jen didn’t want green or reds, she wanted winter colors like blue and purple.
Jen sent along the purple with silver snowflakes, but I ran out. While shop hopping last weekend, I found the Fairy Frost (Michael Miller) in purple to finish it up.
Speaking of shop hopping – I WON something!
I entered at the world renowned Harriet Hargrave’s shop.
Yes, I am lucky to live 20 minutes from her shop and it’s fan-tab-U-lous!! I even got to chat with Ms. Harriet and her talented daughter, they do amazing stuff with cotton and thread!

A wonderful gift idea and A perfect way for the families to remember your parents. They are very nice!!
Congratulations on your win! Looks like lots of ideas and new project in the works.
Nice little win package - congrats! I love this snowflake -- it's gorgeous! :)
How fun to go visit your parents and what nice gifts you will be taking. Congrats on your win and the snowflake is stunning!
Congratulation on your win. Your minis are fabulous and so is your snowflake.
Oh my gosh! They are darling and my friends will LOVE them. I am so excited. Love you, Mom
What a thoughtful thing to do. I agree with your Mom, pot holders would never get used. The ones I have received are displayed on my wall in my sewing room! Jen’s snowflake is another work of art!! Also congrats. On your win!!
What a beautiful Feathered Star. One of my favorite traditional blocks...that is still on my to do list.
Love your 'hexis' too. I'm just getting in the car...on the road to a quilt show in Colorado...and that's what I'm going to be doing.
Darling blog!
Congrats on the win, and your block is gorgeous!
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